Our collaborative effort

The Northern Latitudes Partnerships ensure that pursued research, monitoring efforts, adaptation strategies, training opportunities, and projects are driven by the needs and priorities of all our partners. Together, we work to identify common and high-priorities needs and strategies, create & compile resources and tools, communicate information and opportunities, and support training and capacity building. 

Critical data is gathered through partnerships with Indigenous organizations and governments as well as universities, nonprofits and a number of federal, state, and territorial agencies. This approach helps ensure community needs in rural areas are understood, respected, and represented in our work.

Our Vision

We envision a future where northern lands, waters, and ways of life are sustained for generations; by allowing stewardship and reciprocity to guide decisions, our communities in Alaska and western Canada can be resilient and thriving.

Key Focus Areas

We value environmental, cultural, and ecological stewardship that is grounded by community needs and informed both by science and Indigenous Knowledge. Collaboration and transparency are at the core of our work, and we strive to provide a safe and neutral discussion space for our partners. These are some key focus areas we are currently engaged in.

  • Promote safe vessel transit to reduce marine hazards

  • Reduce risks from rapid environmental change with new data, new tools, and adaptation strategies

  • Organize efficient, inclusive and non-regulatory efforts to collaboratively address impacts to critical habitats, subsistence resources, and community safety

  • Foster Indigenous leadership and participation

  • Support responsible resource development

  • Promote habitat connectivity and health

  • Expand community-based observation networks to understand environmental change

  • Foster proactive planning efforts that incorporate climate change information

  • Bring decision-makers together to adapt to environmental change